Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rotary Club of Saint Pierre, Martinique

March 9 - Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Saint Pierre were our hosts for a tour of historic Saint Pierre, followed by an evening Rotary meeting at the Auberge la Montagne Pelee, overlooking the bay of Saint Pierre.

The club has funded four Shelter Boxes - they have been deployed to Haiti.

The bay of Saint Pierre is the location where Christopher Columbus first set foot in Martinique. The town was completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption on May 8, 1902.

The team swimming near the Columbus landing spot

The Rotarians took us to visit the site of one projects, a year-long effort to create and install a mural depicting the history of slavery on the island of Martinique from the original transports in the 1600’s to abolition in 1848.

There are eight panels depicting key events in the transition from slavery to emancipation.

At the meeting, the team was presented with a book describing the mural project.

Monica conducted a banner exchange with club president Alfred Ulric.

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