Monday, March 22, 2010

George Washington slept here - in Barbados?

March 22 - A little known fact: George Washington lived in Barbados for a short period of time. The team visited the house that is now the George Washington House museum in Bridgetown, Barbados.

The museum account: The young George Washington and his ailing brother Lawrence resided in this historic plantation house, also known as Bush Hill House, for two months in 1751. Barbados was the only country ever visited by the future “First Father” of his country and Bush Hill House the only house he ever lived in outside of the continental United States. The visit is a little known but very important chapter in the life of the then unknown 19 year old man, who would go on to become, as later described by Light-Horse Harry Lee, “first in war, first in peace, first in hearts of his countrymen.”

The bedroom used by George Washington, where he contracted and survived smallpox.

Dining room

Card table

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