Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rotary Club of Barbados

March 25 - The GSE team attended the lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Barbados, often called the "big club" or the "old club." The club, with about 80 members, is the largest in District 7030.

Monica - to her left is her host family member Ronnie Ramsey

It is also the home club of Past District Governor David Edwards (seated to Shelly's left), who has invited the team to spend our rest day on his yacht - we said yes.

Lillah presenting

Heidi presenting

The customary banner exchange:

Monica - Springfield Twin Rivers

Shelly - Springfield

Heidi - Eugene Airport

Lillah - Bend High Desert

Rick (wearing his Barbados Legion tie) - Port Orford

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the greatest. Your blog is excellent. Enjoy the last few hours of your stay. Great having you in 7030
    PDG David Edwards
